Lernplattform der FH Graubünden
Moodle Tip
Moodle Tip of the Month: Moodle question types to view and try out
A demo-test for lecturers in our Moodle showcases all available Moodle question types. (Self-enrollment in the course)
Moodle Tip
Moodle Tip of the Month: Overview of all Moodle Activities and Resources
The Overview of all Moodle Activities and Resources provides application possibilities for instructors. The overview is also displayed as a poster outside the Blended Learning Center.
Moodle Tip
Moodle Tip of the Month: Student Folder
The 'Student Folder' activity allows instructors to create folders that can be populated and viewed by students. This enables students to share their work with other participants in the module. Files that have already been submitted in the 'Assignment' activity can also be shared this way.
Moodle Tip
Moodle Tip of the Month: All Upcoming Tasks at a Glance
The timeline on your Moodle dashboard displays all upcoming tasks, exams, and submission deadlines at a glance. The timeline shows all due activities sorted by date or by courses so that you always know what is coming next. A click on the respective item takes you directly to the corresponding activity or task – an optimal support to keep track of deadlines and organize your academic routine efficiently.
Instructors can set specific deadlines for tasks and activities in their courses, which are then automatically displayed in the students' timeline. This way, students can keep an eye on all important dates, and instructors can support structured, timely work.
New Moodle Version 4.4
Version 4.4 of our FHGR Moodle has been running since 06 August. New features are:
- Refined look with course sections, updated activity icons.
- The TinyMCE-Editor is now the standard texteditor.
- New features in the Moodle test (question type ‘ordering’, partial grades/points)
For details visit Moodle documentation Highlights in Moodle 4.4 and Playlist Moodle 4.4