Via Read & Publish veröffentlichte Artikel von FHGR Mitarbeitenden
- Johannes Ross, Ann-Katrin Kienle, Andreas Nicklisch. Sharing the cake during a crisis: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on intertemporal altruism and efficiency concerns. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (Volume 228, 2024).
- Nora El-Bialy, Elisa Fraile Aranda, Andreas Nicklisch, Lamis Saleh, Stefan Voigt. Flight and the preferences for truth-telling: An experimental study among refugees and non-refugees in Syria, Jordan, and Germany. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Volume 96, 2022).
- Nora El-Bialy, Elisa Fraile Aranda, Andreas Nicklisch, Lamis Saleh, Stefan Voigt. To cooperate or not to cooperate? An analysis of cooperation and peer punishment among Syrian refugees, Germans, and Jordanians. Journal of Economic Psychology (Volume 89, 2022).